Inclusive Mobility
1/2024 - Now 1 🚀 Startup
The rental service for electric wheelchairs and B2B provider of wheelchairs as employee benefit.
Next.js -
React -
TypeScript -
Tailwind -
Stripe -
Shadcn/UI -
Drizzle -
Planetscale -
Resend -
Vercel -
Clerk -
Google Cloud
My first startup
After building products from scratch for years, from to, I had built up the skills and experience for designing and building high-quality applications from start to finish. Fast.
Now it was my time to build something for myself. Therefore, we started Inclusive Mobility together with Shyam Sunder. As the CTO of the company, it was my responsibility to build the application to host all the activities of our business. This includes B2C rental, B2B operations, admin management tools and automated staff features.
High-quality design and usability
The project has been designed and developed by me alone.
The application runs on the latest technologies for both development speed and user-friendliness.
18 000 lines of code in 60 days
The application has a massive feature set, most of which was completed in under 60 days. This includes features such as
- Simple book and pay system
- B2B multi-tenant application
- Automated staff functionalities
- Multiple admin management features
And much more.
Let's chat!
Contact me about any work opportunities, projects, questions or feedback you may have. Even if you just want to say hi. I always reply within 24 hours, usually even faster!